Thursday, December 30, 2010

My kids

The kids and I were talking today at the dinner table about animals. I asked them what animal they would be if they had to pick.

Ryan said he would be a whale. He said whales are cool because they can flip out of the water. He proceeded to show me how they come out of the water with one of his toy whales. He specifically loves Orca whales. He said he loves them because they are black and white. Ryan got into whales in First Grade when they did a unit on whales. Since then, he has read numerous books on whales and has seen all the Free Willy movies.

Azzie said she would be a chipmunk.When asked why she just said because. Azzie is like a chipmunk. She is small and always darting around from place to place. She is full of life and loves animals.I would peg her for more of a hen than a chipmunk tho. She loves both her brother and sister very much and is always tending to what they are doing.

Then there is my baby, Brenna. She is on the small side too, but is so full of life and out of my 3 children is the clown. Brenna is the happiest baby I have ever met. She likes to cuddle, act cute and tough at the same time. If Ryan or Azzie is laying on the floor, Brenna will just jump on them like a little frog.

I can not imagine life without my little whale, chipmunk or frog. My kids are who I am and I live each and every minute of my life for them.

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