Friday, December 31, 2010

Let the festivities begin!!!

Every year we celebrate Christmas and New Years with Angie, Travis, their children, Joan and Kathy. We switch off whose house we celebrate and this year we get to host New Years. Last night, I made snicker salad and grasshopper pie. I would like to thank my brother's boyfriend Chris for the grasshopper pie recipe, as without his love of baking and making awesome treats I would not have tasted this delicious recipe. So thank you Chris for giving me the recipe to share with my extended family. =)

DJ and I are busy cleaning the house, which isn't in too bad of shape, but needs a good vacuuming. I have the chicken for the chicken dip in the pressure cooker and the kids are running around like chickens with their heads cut off as usual.

It's raining out right now and a bit gloomy, but with the love of my extended family we will make the most of the last day of 2010. So from my family to yours, may the trials and tribulations that 2010 brought be lessons learned and may 2011 be a wonderful and joyous year! Happy New Year everyone!!

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