Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 is here.

Well it's here. 2011 has finally came. Not much on tap for the new year I guess. The one thing that is going to happen no matter what, is DJ and I WILL get out of debt. We are working on it and are caught up on our bills for the most part. The only one that is still behind is the electric. Other than that, they are all caught up. I am excited to see what this new year will bring. DJ starts back to his normal full time shift on Monday. The kids go back to school and we will fall back into our normal routine that has been interrupted by the holidays. Not that I don't like the holidays because I do, it's just that the kids get all squirrely and get off their routines.

I went out to Walmart with Azzie tonight to get Brenna her formula. The weather is suppose to change and it's suppose to get icy tomorrow, so I didn't want to go out in it. I love the weather here in WI, well not really. It can be so nice one day and the next, it's colder than and iceberg in the Antarctic! Yesterday I had my heat off and the windows open and today I have the heat cranked! Someday I will move to a tropical island where they don't get any cold weather, snow or ice. LOL I guess one can wish right? I should start playing the lottery so I can make that dream come true.

Ryan is at his dad's for the weekend and the house is so quiet. Normally him and Azzie are at each others throats fighting about this or that. So honestly, the quiet is nice. Azzie has been pretty good today. She played with Brenna while I cleaned up Ryan's room. It brought a smile to my face just listening to the girls playing and laughing their heads off for no apparent reason. Brenna is now in bed sleeping and I really should be getting Azzie ready for bed too. Well, off to do what I need to do.

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