Monday, January 3, 2011

Acid reflux and fevers....Oh My!!

So Azzie had a fever all day yesterday. I kept her home from school today due to the "fever free for 24 hour" rule that the school has. So this morning she gets up and she is back to her normal self. She played play doh for almost 2 hours, ate everything in sight and was even wrestling around with Ryan tonight. At 6:30 she asked to watch a movie in her room, so i put G-force in the dvd player. at 7:15 when I checked on her she was asleep. I didn't think twice about this since she was feeling better earlier today. At 8 she woke up and I put her in my bed to watch a movie since Brenna was going to bed. She fell back asleep immediately, but woke up around 9 saying she was hot. I went in there and she was already uncovered. Then I felt her head and she was burning up again. Grrrr I temped her and she was at 102.6. I gave her motrin and a cup of ice water. She still has the barky, croupy cough so i called the nurse line again and they assured me that unless Azzie's temp went over 104 that she could wait til tomorrow to be seen by the doc. So we play the waiting game and see how she does overnight. The sucky thing is she is on antibiotics already for her impetigo, so hopefully that held whatever she has at bay.

On another note, I have horrible acid reflux going on tonight. This sucks major booty!! I have had AR issues for as long as I can remember, but this is the worst it has been since I was preggo with the kids. AND NO!!!! I am not preggo!!! So just get that thought right out of your heads. I do not, repeat DO NOT need to pee on a stick!!! I read about a home remedy that is suppose to work. Drink pickle juice. I know, I know it sounds gross. But it works........for a little bit at least. I think it may be time to get back in to see the doc about my reflux issues and get back on meds since the over the counter meds don't do anything for my reflux. <sigh> I suppose I should just suck it up and get it over with. I need to get back in to see him anyway for the carpal tunnel issues too. But that my friends, is an entirely different post.

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