Friday, January 7, 2011

On the upswing

So I think that my sickness exorcism worked. The kids seem to be feeling better, but the last few days have been really hard for me. Between sick kids and me just not feeling right, it's been rough. Azzie went back to school yesterday and was a mess come 6pm. Actually, now that I think about it, she was a mess since she got home from school. I am wondering what happened to my sweet little girl that loved to cuddle and never talked back to me. She has increasingly been talking back and throwing us an attitude that I have never seen come from a 4 year old. If this is a sign of things to come with her as a teenager, boy am I in trouble!!! She acts likes a 16 year old. <sigh> Thanks for the curse mom.

Ryan was diagnosed with scarlet fever yesterday. He has been home since Wednesday. I am so ready for him to go back to school. He really needs the schedule and routine that school provides. Hopefully things will get better around here.

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