Thursday, January 6, 2011

In need of a sickness exorcism!

This week has not been a good week health wise in the house. Azzie started running a fever Sunday morning and pretty much just laid around all day. I kept her home from school Monday in hopes that she would be able to go back on Tuesday. Ha no such luck. After not running at ever at all Monday, she started a temp again Monday night. So I made an appt for her on Tuesday. Her diagnosis was croup. I kept her home Wednesday too just to make sure she was at least 98% better. She still has a cough, but that only comes at night.

Ryan started running a temp on Tuesday night as did Brenna. Ryan's wasn't too high, but it was high enough to warrant keeping him home yesterday and today. I noticed a slight rash on his face last night and when I checked it this morning, it had spread to his chest and back. First thought was strep. So to the doctor's office once I again I went this week but this time I had all 3 kids in tow. Doc took one look at the rash and diagnosed scarlet fever. So all 3 of my kids are on antibiotics for one illness or another.

Brenna's fever was attributed to a virus and 4 teeth coming in.

I am so tired of heading to the doctor and Walgreens. Not that I mind the kids doctor, but 2 visits in a week for all 3 kids and Walgreens too.

So the list of illnesses that the kids have had since last month are as follows:

Brenna: Pink eye, thrush and an ear infection all on top of a cold....this was before Christmas.

Azzie and Brenna: both had impetigo last week.

Azzie: Croup on Tuesday along with a fever on and off since Sunday. Thankfully the fever broke Tuesday night.

Brenna: fever on Tuesday. Diagnosis a virus and 4 teeth coming in.

Ryan: fever on and off since Tuesday. Slight rash appeared last night on face and spread to his chest and back. Diagnosis....scarlet fever.

I am ready for the illness and germs to be gone. In the name that is all holy, I banish the germs and illnesses from this house!!

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