Sunday, January 2, 2011

A not so great start to the new year

Today was a not so great day. I woke up to Azzie yelling at Brenna to shut up because she didn't feel good. Usually this isn't a big thing, but the fact the Brenna woke up in a good mood for a change is amazing. Azzie was laying on the couch when I got out of bed and grabbed Brenna out of the crib. I got Brenna a bottle, set her down on the floor with it and asked Azzie what was wrong. She said she didn't feel good, so I touched her head and she was burning up. I temped her and she was at 102.3. So I gave her a dose of tylenol and she laid on the couch all morning. At lunch I made Brenna a grilled cheese sandwich and Azzie said she wanted one too. So I gave her the other half of Brenna's and she ate that all up, minus the crusts. LOL Then Azzie asked for another sandwich. She ate half of that one and drank a bit of juice. She went back to the couch and I ran to Walgreens to get more tylenol and motrin. By the time I got back Azzie was passed out on the couch. She did sleep for a few hours and when she got up I temped her again. Her temp was up to 103. I called nurse direct and they said that having just a fever isn't too harmful. Well I disagree! I know that every child is different, but Ryan has had 2 febrile seizures and I take fevers very seriously. The nurse said that since I had given her tylenol an hour before I called and Azzie was still at 103, I could give her a dose of motrin. Well that brought the fever down to 101, which is alot better than 103. She took a small nap again at 4pm. When she got up I made her chicken noodle soup and she ate most of that and drank some juice. Poor kid was back in bed by 715 passed out. She got up around 8 to use the bathroom and went right back to bed to pass out. Needless to say if she's still running a fever that high tomorrow, I will be taking her to the doctor. Oh and did I mention that she is on an antibiotic already for impetigo? Well Azzie just woke up again and is back at 103. More motrin and a cup of ice water for her. DJ said he will sleep on the couch so we don't have to move Azzie into her room in case she gets up in the middle of the night and wakes Brenna up. Looks like it is going to be a long night.

Ryan isn't sleeping yet either. He got his bedtime meds at 7pm and is still awake! He keeps coming out and the poor kid has bags under his eyes he is so tired. Why don't kids get it that sleep is a glorious thing???

While I am ranting.....I hate my upstairs neighbors too. It has been so quiet since we got home from my parents on monday. Well it's 11pm and all of a sudden they are stomping around and dropping things on the floor. I wish that they would just freaking move out. I have called the cops on them once already for excess noise after 10pm. I mean it's common courtesy to not make so much noise after a certain time right? Obviously the visit from Metro's finest didn't make a difference. I swear if they wake up either of the girls, there will be hell to pay. Maybe I will have a party on friday and invite a ton of loud people!! Either that or I will get my broom out and start banging on the ceiling. Common courtesy people! Shhhesh. I don't care if you just got home from where ever it was you were. Maybe you should go back there cuz I like my piece and quiet!!

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